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3 items tagged with bosses

How to Design the Best Boss Battles: 4 Must-Read Tips



Great bosses often include four things: a memorable build-up before the match, different mechanics that prepare the player for future challenges, story and world enrichment, and testing certain skills.

Boss Battle Design


bosses Arkham Asylum Metal Gear Solid Star Fox Adventures

Three ways to make a great boss include a test of skill, a narrative device, or a mechanical change-of-pace. You can see good, and bad, examples of this, in Batman: Arkham Asylum, Metal Gear Solid 3, an Star Fox Adventures

Good Game Design - Bosses



Good boss battles are fun, challenging, intimidating, unique. They sometimes give awesome rewards, introduce new mechanics, or use multiple phases (to keep things fresh). They should have a purpose - why am I fighting this boss? Avoid padding bosses with health, or giving unavoidable or overly difficult challenges.