Python Zone chronicles the various adventures of a developer semi-new to Python (myself).
After developing with several languages (Visual Basic, C#, Java, Ruby, Javascript, etc.) I find myself in need of a general-purpose, high-level scripting language for various projects. Although I initially settled on Ruby, I evnetually found that the community was too small; for some projects, there are very few resources available.
Later, I decided to give Python a chance (despite not liking it's object-oriented design). To my surprise (and delight), I find that Python contains several interesting features unique to the language (eg. generators, generator functions, decorators) that make coding interesting (albeit poorly-written Python can be really hard to debug).
After taking a few courses in Python and getting my hands dirty with some smaller projects, I finally find myself in a position where I need to find information that's not readily available on the internet. As such, this blog was born, with the goal of filling those gaps.