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RPG JRPG balance project management
How to balance a JRPG from a high-level: knowing your audience, adjusting difficulty to achieve the intended game time, taking into acount progression, and balancing difficulty.
project management prototyping
Many games don't make it to completion. An analysis of some common reasons games fail, and some ways to give your games a better chance at finishing. Analyze risks, prototype to find the fun, cut scope, and test thoroughly.
project management polish tutorials
Seven common game design mistakes, including: thinking too big, ignoring onboarding tutorials, being too committed to an idea, igoring polish, and including random things.
JRPG RPG project management formulas
Levels in RPGs instil a sense of achievement, dripfeed mechanics to the player, and control content flow. Analyzes formulas from Dungeons and Dragons, Pokemon, Disgea, and provides tips on writing your own formulas.