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turn-based combat RPG JRPG Disgaea Persona 5 Paper Mario Pokemon Super Mario RPG Dragons Quest Fire Emblem cross-game analysis oil
Turn-based combat is often slow and grindy. How can you improve it? Speed up actions, intros, and attack animations; use quick-time events so attacking and defending are interactive; streamline menu navigation; integrate turn economy (add, cancel, speed up, and slow down turns); reward players with new moves, interesting tactical choices, and story bits between battles; make interesting, unique monsters; use fights sparingly; grant small rewards like skill-points.
towns RPG JRPG cross-game analysis
What makes a great town? A check-point and safe space between danger; a health/resource refiller (if battles are about resource depletion); a break from intense combat with things like secrets, lore, or mini-games; a place to complete quests for rewards; hints about future dangers or optional quests; a source of environmental storytelling
RPG CRPG JRPG formulas Dragons Quest final fantasy
A look at how Final Fantasy and Dragon's Quest calculate damage, and how that affects everything from keeping monsters in play to character growth. Includes some useful questions to ask yourself when developing your own formulas.
A detailed look at the trade-offs - pros and cons - of class-based systems vs. skill-based systems. Simplicity for new players, restricting or balancing content, power fantasy, imbalance and unviable builds, and more.
A brief definition of and look at games that use classes with fixed skills, free selection of skills, and hybrid options, with some of the pros and cons of each approach .
A guide to designing your game's inventory sytsem so that it fits the target game experience and setting, starting with a look at four popular inventory systems (including JRPG, unlimited items, and grid-based systes), and then a process to design your own suitable inventory.
A concise Twitter thread explaining how to balance any arbitrary system in your game, such as damage, starting with the user experience and big-picture goals, all the way down to fine-tuning your final formulas.
RPG JRPG balance project management
How to balance a JRPG from a high-level: knowing your audience, adjusting difficulty to achieve the intended game time, taking into acount progression, and balancing difficulty.
RPG JRPG character design NPCs
Adding a bit of detail to your NPCs such as a backstory or personality quirks, can make them appear more life-like and interesting instead of generic place-holders.
single-player RPG JRPG balance classes
Why and how to design your single-player RPG character classes so that they're mechanically interesting. You want players to make interesting choices through trade-offs. Make big differences, play-test, and use spreadsheets to balance.
Open world games are difficult to design because you don't know where the player will go. Two solutions to the player-power vs. world-power difficulty: scale monster levels, or scale the player characters' levels.
JRPG RPG project management formulas
Levels in RPGs instil a sense of achievement, dripfeed mechanics to the player, and control content flow. Analyzes formulas from Dungeons and Dragons, Pokemon, Disgea, and provides tips on writing your own formulas.
RPG JRPG roguelike MOBA balance classes
Benefits of adding classes instead of using a class-less system in your game. They make it easier to balance, they help new players, they can provide class-specific quests or story plot points, and more.