Creating a Roguelike in Python + TDL, Part 1: Entity-Component System

In this series, we're going to build a roguelike in Python and TDL. Python is a high-level, interpreted, object-oriented and functional language with expressive syntax, native lambdas, and more goodness. TDL is one of two console-like libraries for the UI (the other being libtcod, which is more "C++ic" than Pythonic).

This series aims to build on top of this excellent series on RogueBasin, which walks you from basics to having a complete, shippable, small roguelike; the main additional benefit we want to confer from this tutorial is code quality.

The RogueBasin roguelike code, while excellent in terms of functionality, includes some poor design choices -- probably because the goal was a) make something fast that works, and b) put everything in one file so it's easy to copy-paste. As a result, it doesn't provide a solid foundation for extension -- you quickly get bogged down with complexity.

Specifically, we plan to:

  • Use an entity-component system instead of a (mostly) monolithic GameObject base class
  • Avoid the use of global variables completely
  • Isolate TDL code as much as possible, so that our code is more testable

Without further ado, let's dive into the first part: writing our entity-component system.

The Simplest Entity-Component System

If you haven't heard about them before, you can read this classic post about Entity-Component Systems. In a nutshell, the goal is to avoid complex classes with interweaved logic (input handling + UI/drawing + game logic + ...), and instead, compose classes made of small, independent components.

While there are many, many ways to write an ECS, ours will follow the design of CraftyJS, quite possibly one of the best ECS libraries ever:

  • Components are small, reusable classes that encapsulate code and data (eg. HealthComponent with get_hurt(damage), die(), current_health, etc.)
  • Entities are classes that implement custom logic that spans components

With this in mind, let's create our base class: the entity.

The Entity Class

The Entity class has a few simple requrements:

  • A user can set(component) a component, and the entity will keep that. (The entity has, at most, one component of each type/class.)
  • A user can get(clazz) a component, specifying the class/type, and will get the actual component
  • A user can check if an entity has a component of a specific type/class via has(clazz)

Internally, we can store components in a dictionary that maps components by type to instance. Here's what that looks like:

class Entity:
    def __init__(self, *components):
        self.components = {}

        for component in components:

    def set(self, component):
        key = type(component)
        self.components[key] = component

    def get(self, clazz):
        return self.components[clazz]

    def has(self, clazz):
        return self.get(clazz) is not None

That's it! We don't even need a Component class, because entities can technically use any class/instance/object as a component.

We also only need a simple test: that we can get a component which was set, and that has returns True if the component exists (and False otherwise). We should also test that set overwrites the previous component.

Tests (pytest tests):

from ecs.entity import Entity

class TestEntity:
    def test_getter_gets_set_values(self):
        e = Entity()
        expected = IntComponent(13)

        actual = e.get(IntComponent)
        assert actual == expected

    def test_set_overwrites_previous_value(self):
        e = Entity()
        expected = IntComponent(13)


        actual = e.get(IntComponent)
        assert actual == expected

    def test_has_retruns_true_if_component_exists(self):
        # Note: doesn't work for subclasses of the component
        e = Entity(IntComponent(77))
        assert e.has(IntComponent) is True
        assert e.has(StringComponent) is False

class IntComponent:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

class StringComponent:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = str(value)

With this, we can be sure our Entity class works as expected. In part two, we'll create a "Hello World" TDL application where we get the main UI window up, and start detecting/processing input so we can quit/terminate our game.

