Creating a Roguelike in Python + TDL, Part 4: The Keyboard Input System

This is the fourth part of our series for creating a Python roguelike with TDL and an ECS. In part three, we refactored out a display system that handles drawing our player on-screen. We still have a lot of untestable keyboard input code in our file, so we're going to extract that into a KeyboardInputSystem (with corresponding KeyboardInputComponent).

Input is Complicated

Unlike the display system, we can't simply copy-paste the keyboard handling code into a new system and call it a day. Our game is real-time (so we can do things like animation and mouse-look), so we need to keep track of a couple of things:

  • If the player presses ESC or q, we want to terminate the game
  • If the player moves, we want to update all the systems in the game
  • if the player doesn't move, we want to just redraw and check for input.

We also need to convert the player into an Entity subclass with a DisplayComponent; that will allow us to refactor our arrow-key-handling into the Player class. Let's handle this first, since it's the easiest part.

class Player(Entity):
    def __init__(self):
        self.set(DisplayComponent(40, 25, '@', (255, 255, 255)))

    def process_input(self, key_pressed):
        dc = self.get(DisplayComponent)
        if key_pressed == "UP":
            dc.y -= 1
        elif key_pressed == "DOWN":
            dc.y += 1
        elif key_pressed == "LEFT":
            dc.x -= 1
        elif key_pressed == "RIGHT":
            dc.x += 1

Pretty straight-forward; our main loop today would call player.process_input. But we'll leave that for now and move into the keyboard system.

The Keyboard Input System

The keyboard input system is pretty simple: keep track of keys pressed, and in update, call a keypress callback on every entity's KeyboardInputComponent. That gives us something like this:

class KeyboardInputSystem:
    """Handles keyboard input. Given an entity with a KeyboardInputComponent,
    this system calls the on_keydown callback when a key is pressed."""

    def __init__(self):
        self.keys_pressed = []

    def update(self, entities):
        current_keys_pressed = []

        # Check if there's input
        for event in tdl.event.get():
            if event.type == 'KEYDOWN':

        # TODO: key_onpress, key_onrelease is now possible
        self.keys_pressed = current_keys_pressed

        if self.keys_pressed:
            for e in entities:
                if e.has(KeyboardInputComponent):
                    ki = e.get(KeyboardInputComponent)

    def get_all_keys_pressed(self):
       return self.keys_pressed

There's a subtlety here: in TDL, when you call tdl.event.get(), it actually consumes the events from the queue. That is, the events are processed and removed. calling tdl.event.get again will return nothing.

For this reason, we have to keep the list of keys pressed in an internal array, so that callers can consume them however they want. (This also lets us expose events like key_justpressed and key_released, but don't need those yet.)

The keyboard input component is straight-forward:

class KeyboardInputComponent:
    """Add this component to entities that need to track keyboard input."""
    def __init__(self, on_keydown_callback):
        """on_keypress_callback should accept an argument for the keys pressed."""
        self.on_keydown_callback = on_keydown_callback

With that in place, we can rewrite the main loop. We delete all references to keyboard processing, and add the keyboard system to the container. We want to write something like this:

class Main:
    def __init__(self):
        # ...
        self.container.add_system(DisplaySystem(tdl.init(80, 50)))
        # ...

    def core_game_loop(self):
        while not self.game_over:
            # Game over?
            # Did time pass?

We can't easily check if the game is over and terminate, nor can we check if time passed (and process the loop differently in this case). To handle these two cases, we need to keep references to the display and keyboard input systems. Not quite elegant, but it'll do.

When we add in in the Player instance, and keep track of game state with a game_over variable, our main loop then looks like this:

import os
import sys
# import ../*
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(sys.path[0], '..'))

from fantastic_couscous.ecs.container import Container
from import DisplaySystem
from import KeyboardInputSystem

from player import Player
import tdl

class Main:
    def __init__(self):
        self.player = Player()
        self.game_over = False

        # We need a reference so we can draw even if there's no input (realtime)
        self.display_system = DisplaySystem(tdl.init(80, 50))
        # Needed so we can detect game-over and tell if time passed
        self.keyboard_input_system = KeyboardInputSystem()

        self.container = Container()

        # Order matters. Draw last.


    def core_game_loop(self):

        while not self.game_over:
            time_passed = self.check_if_time_passed()

            if time_passed:

    def check_for_game_over(self):
        keys_pressed = [e for e in self.keyboard_input_system.get_all_keys_pressed() if e == 'ESCAPE' or e == 'q']
        if keys_pressed: # len > 0
            self.game_over = True

    def check_if_time_passed(self):
        all_keys_pressed = self.keyboard_input_system.get_all_keys_pressed()

        keys_pressed = [e for e in all_keys_pressed
            if e == 'UP' or e == 'DOWN' or e == 'LEFT' or e == 'RIGHT']

        return keys_pressed # len > 0

if __name__ == "__main__":

No surprises here:

  • The initializer keeps track of our display/input systems
  • The core game loop calls update on our container, or selectively updates just the display/input systems
  • We have a game_over variable and a check_for_game_over method that updates the value to True if the user ever clicks ESCAPE/q
  • We have a placeholder method to check if time passed by checking if the player moved (user pressed an arrow key)

The best part is that we can test most of the main code (from our keyboard input system).



Tests are pretty straight-forward. Let's start with the easiest, our KeyboardInputComponent: all we can test is that the callback accepts a list of keys pressed and logs them:

from fantastic_couscous.ecs.components.keyboard_input_component import KeyboardInputComponent

import pytest

class TestKeyboardInputComponent:

    def test_init_takes_callback_which_accepts_keys_pressed(self):
        pressed = []
        k = KeyboardInputComponent(lambda keys: pressed.extend(keys))
        k.on_keydown_callback(["a", "b"])

        assert len(pressed) == 2
        assert "a" in pressed
        assert "b" in pressed


For the keyboard input system, we want to test a couple of things:

  • get_all_keys_pressed returns keys after we call update.
  • update calls on_keydown callbacks on all entities

To achieve both, like our DisplaySystem test, we need to mock TDL. tdl.event.get()` should return a list of keys pressed (even if hard-coded). We can achieve it with something like this:

class GetEvent:
    def get(self):
        return ["LEFT"]

event = GetEvent()

With this, calling tdl.event returns an instance of GetEvent, which returns ["LEFT"]. But if we try to use this in a test, we run into an error; KeyboardInputSystem has this code in update:

for event in tdl.event.get():
    if event.type == 'KEYDOWN':
        # key pressed

We need to return a struct with a type and a keychar, like so:

class GetEvent:
    def get(self):
        return [KeyEvent("LEFT")]

class KeyEvent:
    def __init__(self, key, event_type="KEYDOWN"):
        self.keychar = key
        self.type = event_type

event = GetEvent()

With this, we can write our two tests:

class TestKeyboardInputSystem:
    def test_get_all_keys_pressed_returns_keys_from_update(self):
        kis = KeyboardInputSystem()
        assert kis.get_all_keys_pressed() == []

        # tdl.event.get() returns ["LEFT"]

        assert kis.get_all_keys_pressed() == ["LEFT"]

    def test_update_calls_keydown_callback_on_all_entities(self):
        pressed = []
        k = KeyboardInputComponent(lambda keys: pressed.extend(keys))
        e = Entity(k)

        kis = KeyboardInputSystem()

        # tdl.event.get() returns ["LEFT"]        
        assert "LEFT" in pressed


The final piece is to test the Player class. We have one major method to test: the key-processing one:

class Player(Entity):
    def __init__(self):
            DisplayComponent('@', 0xFFFFFF, 40, 25),

    def _process_input(self, keys_pressed):
        for key_pressed in keys_pressed:
            if key_pressed == "UP":
                self.get(DisplayComponent).y -= 1
            elif key_pressed == "DOWN":
                self.get(DisplayComponent).y += 1
            elif key_pressed == "LEFT":
                self.get(DisplayComponent).x -= 1
            elif key_pressed == "RIGHT":
                self.get(DisplayComponent).x += 1
                print("You pressed {}".format(key_pressed))

We can also test that the constructor sets a DisplayComponent and KeyboardInputComponent. That's simple enough, so we leave that as an exercise to the reader.

While Python discourages calling "private" methods (with leading underscores), that's really the only easy way to test our code, so we're going to call it. We want to test processing for all four arrow keys:

def test_process_input_moves_display_component_for_arrow_keys(self):
    p = Player()
    display = p.get(DisplayComponent)
    old_x, old_y = display.x, display.y

    assert display.x == old_x
    assert display.y == old_y - 1
    old_x, old_y = display.x, display.y

    assert display.x == old_x
    assert display.y == old_y + 1
    old_x, old_y = display.x, display.y

    assert display.x == old_x - 1
    assert display.y == old_y
    old_x, old_y = display.x, display.y

    assert display.x == old_x + 1
    assert display.y == old_y

Pretty simple. With this, we have a mostly complete refactored loop.

In part five, we'll forage onward and add some new functionality to our roguelike (solid walls that we can't walk through).

Meanwhile, I'll also clean up the file and extract out some of the dependencies on the various systems so we can test check_for_game_over and check_if_time_passed. While having 100% testable code is an ideal to strive for, the practical reality is that it's not always worth it to write complex/flaky tests to get there.

In this case, we have two methods that are relatively easy to make testable by extracting dependencies, so it's worth it.

