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2 items tagged with Fire Emblem

How Do Save Systems Shape Games?


saving Shovel Knight Resident Evil Fire Emblem

Save systems broadly fall into two categories: save anywhere, and desginated save points. Save anywhere reduces the tension or drama of losing progress from dying, which most games can work with. It encourages more risk-taking and experimentation, because the risk is low. It can also enable save-scumming: with randomized games, players can reload repeatedly to get the game to give players what they want. Designed save points often provide safe havens or telegraph boss fights. Bigger gaps between save points raise the stakes. Auto-saves work well, but can potentially soft-lock (players can't progress further because of the state), or in a state where players can't win if you continue. Keeping recent backup files avoids this problem.

How Do You Improve Turn Based Combat?


turn-based combat RPG JRPG Disgaea Persona 5 Paper Mario Pokemon Super Mario RPG Dragons Quest Fire Emblem cross-game analysis oil

Turn-based combat is often slow and grindy. How can you improve it? Speed up actions, intros, and attack animations; use quick-time events so attacking and defending are interactive; streamline menu navigation; integrate turn economy (add, cancel, speed up, and slow down turns); reward players with new moves, interesting tactical choices, and story bits between battles; make interesting, unique monsters; use fights sparingly; grant small rewards like skill-points.