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6 items tagged with theory

Building Better Crafting Systems


crafting cross-game analysis oil theory mechanics balance

An in-depth look at the three components of crafting systems: collection, crafting, and usage - and how to make them shine; mistakes to avoid that make crafting laborious; how to make simple crafting meaningful; and when your game should and include crafting: to give players control over the way they play, and an organic way to interact with the mechanics.

Game Design using Micro Macro Meta Grouping


theory core loop meta game analysis

How to analyze the micro, macro, and meta groups of your game; what they look like when done really well; and an analysis of a few games (Candy Crush, League of Legends, Minecraft, Overcooked) using micro, macro, and meta.

The Psychological Trick That Can Make Rewards Backfire


behaviour player psychology theory

Achievements and designer-made quests are extrinsic rewards, which can backfire and demotivate exploration and experimentation, which are intrinsic rewards. Leaderboards and personal bests work as self-motivating instric rewards.

Downwell's Dual Purpose Design


theory game analysis Downwell emergent gameplay

All game elements in Downwell serve two or more purposes, which creates emergent gameplay and difficult choices for the player. Weapons also refill health, enemies provide a temporary speed reduction, and replaying levels allows you to master the controls.

The 13 Basic Principles of Gameplay Design



13 fundamental principles of game design, with system, level, and UI design examples. Player role, communication, appeal, spacing, pacing, sound, physics, overlapping events, anticipation, believable behaviour, and more.

How to Start Designing Games


theory mechanics prototyping aesthetics core loop goals

A thorough introduction to the fundamentals of game design, and how to implement them in your game. Aesthetics, mechanics, economy, narrative story, mechanics, goals, prototypes, and how to connect them all together.